Thursday, August 2, 2012
Preserving Summer Harvest
I have never canned peaches successfully. Never. They always turn mushy and brown. I like the freezing method much better. I just skinned and sliced the peaches, sat them on a cookie sheet, flash froze then overnight, and then threw then into a bag. Easy peasy. Now they are ready for smoothies, oatmeal or cobbler this winter.
We had an abundance of green peppers and banana peppers at the garden this year. I roasted them in the oven with a little olive oil, let them cool, skinned them, flash froze them overnight, and threw them into a bag. Theses are great on pizza, in pasta, in fajitas, etc.
Green Beans:
There was also an abundance of green beans this year. I just blanched them for 2-3 minutes, and flash froze them. Again, I put them in freezer bags once they were individually frozen. These can either be steamed or sauteed and added to almost any dinner.
Jonathan is not a fan of zucchini, but will eat zucchini bread. I shredded it and froze it in 2 cup increments. Most zucchini bread recipes call for 2 cups of shredded zucchini.
My dad planted 28 tomato plants this year. Between my sister and I, we canned around 75-80 pints of a combination of the following:
Tomato soup
Roasted Tomatoes w/Garlic
Spaghetti Sauce
Tomato Puree
Fancy Ketchup
I also have bags of frozen blueberries and frozen strawberries in my freezer. The website is a great resource for preserving almost any produce.
Here are a list of other veggies and fruits that are fairly easy to preserve:
I prefer to preserve what I can for two reasons. The first is that if you buy the produce while it is in season, or better yet plant your own, then it is very cheap. The second is that you know that it was preserved fresh without any additives.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Homemade Baby Food
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Vietnamese Spring Rolls with Thai Peanut Sauce
These spring rolls are so easy, and a perfect light dinner for a warm evening. There are different ways to tweak this, according to your family's preference.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Fresh Beet Salad
Gardening Basics
For those who know me, you may laugh that I am giving tips on gardening. I am not a green thumb, however, I am determined that this is the year. I have the benefit of having a dad who graduated with a Masters in Agricultural Science and a brother who has taken after my dad and has mastered the art of growing a perfect garden.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Strength Training Basics
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Packing in the Veggies
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Sample Workout Schedule
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Target Heart Rate
Whole Wheat Bread
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Veggie Flat Bread Pizza
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
What is Clean Eating?
Guest Post from Switzerland
"I am flattered that you think of me this way, because I am having a hard time living this way being pregnant. As to why I try to kind of live this way in normal states, is because I was raised like this. My whole life my mom was on a diet, so I naturally ate lots of veggies and things. For me it is a way of life, not meaning dieting, but eating healthy. In high school in Switzerland, they teach how to live healthy and make things from scratch.
One thing that I find important along with this topic, is buying things from the area. I look where the food comes from and if it has been on a plane for more than 2 hours, I will not buy it (except mango and bananas ;)). I help the environment and my own surroundings this way.
I continue to live this way because I do want to keep my body as healthy as possible as long as possible. I also want the best food for my kids and therefore I automatically eat healthy. I want to treat my body like a temple and set the example for my kids to treat their body this way too.
I am convinced that eating this way makes me personally happier, because I feel very different after eating a McDonald’s meal and after eating homemade food. With McDonald’s I get stomach aches or just don’t feel so good which is different from homemade meals. Food should be there to give us energy and I don’t think fast food does that.
Other benefits of eating healthy are that I can sometimes eat more because it’s healthy and I don’t feel guilty. Also, because I have always been doing this my kids love veggies and fruits!! I know this isn't true for all kids, but i think overall kids will copy their parents’ behavior, even in eating.
I go shopping twice a week for fresh veggies and fruits. I make sure there is always enough but not too much in my kitchen.
Here are some typical daily meals in our house:
I make oatmeal myself, not from a box. I just mix a little bit of butter and then oatmeal and milk (with little bit of water) and salt and cook it. I put some sugar and cinnamon on it. Sometimes when i need to use my apples, I make applesauce with them for breakfast. For snacks we usually have fruit, and if they are really hungry they can have crackers. Switzerland has a lot of cracker varieties with low salt and fat, so I don’t feel bad if they have them.
For lunch and dinner there is always a salad, usually mixed greens with different veggies I have, or tomato mozzarella. I try to always make my dressing myself, but i make it in a bigger container so it lasts for a week. I love looking up salad dressing, because homemade ones just have so much less add-ins.
I don’t like buying finished foods or food from packages, just because when I make them myself, I know exactly what is in them. I think in Switzerland we are more forced to cook this way because finished meals aren't cheap and there aren't that many. My tip is to not make cooking too complicated, but then i don’t like to cook. Maybe that’s why I keep it simple."
Thanks Christina!
Smoothie Kits
Homemade Brownies
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Why Eat Clean?
This, my friends, is the number one reason why I am attempting to eat more clean and natural. I have seen similar pictures of fast food hamburgers sitting out for 72 weeks (6 years in case you were wondering). The result is the same. If 6 years of nature can't break down the hamburger, it is safe to say that it may be a little taxing on our bodies to do so. This is one example of many, and I am really not trying to scare people into being more healthy. I just ask that you think about what you are putting into you and your children's bodies before you do it.
2. Although there are many vitamins and supplements on the market, you can get all of the nutrients you need from a well balanced diet. Fruits, veggies, grains, proteins and dairy, in their purest forms, have all the nutrition you need. I acknowledge that there are some exceptions, but as a general rule, eating a balanced diet will take care of all your nutrition needs.
3. You feel better when you eat better. I always tell my kids that their bodies are like little cars. Their bodies need the right fuel to run properly. You wouldn't pump mud into a car and expect it to run. The same goes for your body.
4. Eating clean, coupled with exercise, helps you lose weight. No need for fad diets or diet pills.
5. Your skin, along with all other body systems, function better with a clean diet (see reason #3). You will find that your skin will be more radiant, less oily and overall more healthy looking.